Drake’s Hidden Hills Residence – Estimated $7.7 Million
Popular for his underground rapping style and awing vocal timbre, Drake is an accomplished entertainer who is known for his impeccable musical talent and remarkable acting. He is particularly famous for his role on Degrassi: The Nest Generation, a successful TV show. Just like any other big name in showbiz, Drake enjoys luxury and living an extravagant lifestyle. This may have been the motivation behind his acquisition of the $7.7 million Hidden Hills home. Marked with luxury and elegance, the property is not only large but also brilliantly designed and constructed. It holds a magnificent swimming pool with a deluxe wet bar, vast stone grottos and brilliantly illuminated water falls. The mansion itself comes with a unique design that incorporates man-cave type rooms and a number of secrete passageways. Unlike most of the other celebrities who put much emphasis on luxury cars, Drake takes his swimming pool quite seriously.
Drake’s Hidden Hills Residence – Estimated $7.7 Million