4 Health Signs To Watch Out For


Just because you don’t hurt anywhere doesn’t mean you’re healthy. Many symptoms of more serious diseases are subtle and not as obvious and can be mistaken for something else, or worse, ignored. 

So here are some warning signs from your body you need to watch out for because they might be a cause of concern.

  1. Snoring

In this list, snoring is the body language usually ignored. It is still okay if you snore after a particularly tiring day or simply because you are in a sleeping position that prevents you from breathing normally.

Snoring is most commonly known as a symptom of sleep apnea, and therefore associated with the increased risk of a heart disease. Because your heart doesn’t pump blood as it’s supposed to when you’re asleep, the flow of oxygen is lacking, too, so you snore.

However, a study associated snoring with another cardiovascular disease, the thickening of the carotid arteries in the neck, which can lead to stroke or heart attack. Because the arteries in the neck supply oxygen to the brain, snoring was found to be more strongly linked to wall damage on the arteries than high cholesterol, being overweight or smoking.

  1. Tingling

When you feel some tingling in your arms or legs, it is usually benign and temporary and simply means that you were in a position that put pressure on your nerves. Because it just feels uncomfortable at most, ignoring tinglings can be easy. 

However, tingling is related to blood circulation, and can be a symptom of diabetes, anemia, multiple sclerosis and Buerger’s disease, a condition where your veins and arteries in the arms and legs become inflamed, swollen and blocked with blood clots. Tingling in the feet may also be a sign of kidney issues.

If the tingling lasts for more than an hour or you experience it along with other symptoms like nausea or dizziness then that means you need immediate medical attention. 

  1. Unintentional Weight Loss

While losing weight can be a relatively good thing, extreme weight loss is very worrying. The body needs its fats and water for energy and other functions.

But if you lost more than 10 pounds without dieting or exercising, then this is more worrying than extreme weight loss. Check how much weight you have lost and for exactly how short a period of time and get yourself checked with your doctor immediately. Unexplained severe weight loss usually means pancreatic, stomach, esophageal, or lung cancer.

  1. Teeth Damage

Did you know that completely worn down teeth enamel is a sign of acid reflux? Heartburn, chest pain, regurgitation of food or sour liquid or other more common symptoms are not the only signs of acid reflux. Acid from the esophagus can tend to dissolve the enamel on your back teeth.

When left untreated, acid reflux not only decays your teeth but also increases your risk to esophageal cancer.

Your body is honest. It tells you whenever it isn’t okay. After all, a crushing chest pain isn’t the only warning your body can use to tell you that it probably needs attention.

